Are you looking to experience Japanese Culture first hand?
Welcome to the KAP Cultural Exchange Program
What is the KAP Exchange Program: Delegates made up of students and adult chaperones travel between Kanonji, Japan and Appleton for two week home-stays during July/Aug. to exchange friendship & culture. First, Appleton delegates fly to Kanonji and homestay with our Japanese partners. While in Kanonji, students are immersed in typical Japanese family life as they live and share adventures with their host family. After their stay in Kanonji, Japan, the group returns to Appleton followed by the Kanonji delegates. Volunteer host families in Appleton open their homes to our Kanonji friends helping them to learn about our culture and city. Past students have said they learned a lot about the culture, food, language, and themselves while having fun doing it!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the cost?
There is a $50 application fee that is refundable if the traveler is unable to participate. Travelers pay their own travel fees (airfare, insurance, bus/train, passport) to and from Kanonji, Japan. Airfare changes from year to year and we do not have control over that. Flight prices can be anywhere from $1500 to $2200. KAP does it's best to secure the least expensive airfare. Travelers should also bring spending money for souvenirs, extra treats, etc. Most travelers bring between $200-500 in spending money.
How often are the meetings?
There are monthly meetings for both travelers and their parents which you are required to attend. These meetings are usually on Tuesdays; however, this is determined by the schedules of each year's group. Travelers have Language and Culture lessons once a week. Host families have 3 to 4 meetings prior to their guests arrival. Meeting times and frequency are subject to change depending on each group's needs.
Are meetings mandatory?
Yes, Meetings are mandatory. Meetings are extremely important to prepare everyone for the new culture they will be delving into. Unexcused absences could cause participants to be removed from the program. We also have Ninhongo Japanese language classes that will be run from March 29 - June 28 2020 (no classes on Easter, Memorial Day & 4th of July weekends).
Do I have to be a host family?
In order for there to be an exchange, both Appleton & Kanonji need host families. It is an opportunity to return the favor to our Kanonji participants and learn what it is like to be the host instead of the traveler! KAP highly encourages all travelers to host. If you are unable to host, we would like you to help find a family to host in your place.
Do I need a passport?
Yes. A valid passport is required to enter Japan. If you do not have one, you will need to apply for and receive your passport prior to leaving for Japan.
Do I need to speak Japanese?
No prior Japanese language skill is required. KAP provides mandatory weekly language lessons for all travelers. These lessons will provide travelers with the basics they need for the exchange.
Contact KAP
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Questions about the KAP exchange? Email us.